Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today is the day

After saying for like 3 months I was going to start blogging and writing, Today is the day that I finally sit down and set this thing up. I am inspired by my friend Erin, and can not guarentee that my blogs will be as pretty as hers. I am setting this up to share my writing, and just my random thoughts.... (there is many of that) I ask if you are reading this, be patient, When my schedule starts to clear a bit (in the next few weeks) I will try and blog more regularly, but for now they will be sporadic. You may not like everything that I write about, and that is ok. I ask that you dont critisize or slam my writings. It is okay that our opinions differ. God gave us all our own brains to think and express ourselves. Well, This one is cute short by my youngest daughter, Stephanie, who is 8 and ready for me to wash her hair.

Until Next Time....