Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hebrews 12:1 My journey to 10 miles

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.- Hebrews 12:1

I am not your typical runner. When I started running about a year ago, I knew that it was not going to be easy. I am over weight, I get tired after a few miles.

I am the type of person that sets unrealistic goals, that way when I conquer them, God is given the glory. That is my goal. Bring as many people as I can to Christ.

I ran my first 5k about 3 years ago. It was a learning experience. I had just had pneumonia, and it took me 45 minutes.

I have since run: 3 5K's, 1 10k, and 1 10 miler. While I trained, I injured my knees, pulled my groin, and trashed 2 pairs of shoes.

I inspired a close friend of mine to run. I feel free when I run. I run and talk to God. I run and vent to Him. When I signed up for the Army 10 miler, I knew that I was only going to get through it with Him.

My friend, had shirts made up for us. They were pink and the front said: Matthew 19:26 On the back:"With God all things are possible"

On the day of the race, I woke up extra early. I wanted to pray and spend some time with my heavenly Father. I wanted to pray for good health. I wanted to make sure that the glory went to HIM.

While I prayed, He gave me this verse:
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service." 1 Timothy 1:12.

He provided for me yet again! He always does. During the race, I had no pain. While my start time was supposed to be 8:10, the second wave did not start to close to 8:30. The first five miles were hard. When I got to the five mile mark at 9:45, I was detoured (there was a time limit, which I am upset that they did not extend since we got started later) I was detoured to mile 8, and finished 7/10 miles.

During the race, at least 25 people either tapped me on the shoulder and said "Amen.", slowed down and told me their testimony, or asked about my shirt.

When I came across the finish line, my arms were raised high. I finished because of HIM. I survived because of Him!

I am continuing to train for 2 half marathons next year. One in Cleveland, and one in Dayton. I hope to continue to glorify God, and break the limits.

Dear Lord,

I thank you for the strength that you give me every single day. I know that you have a purpose for me, and I am glad that I am called to your service. Thank you for allowing me to reach a dark world. I pray that as I continue to do your will, that I can bring more people to you. Thank you for a wonderful support system, and thank you for never leaving me.


any questions, complaints can be directed to: clcarpenter82@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ransomed and Redeemed

I never thought that I would want a tattoo. I always told myself that I would never get one.... Why am I now seriously considering getting one. I am always looking for new ways for people to ask me about Jesus.... Should I have a shirt made up? A button? Thinking to myself about how God has called me to help spread His Word to the dark world, a thought dawned on me... Get it inked.

Ive been living my Faith Out Loud recently this past year. I was kicked off the Christianity "sidelines" God basically said... enough with the listening... it is time to do something. Share your story. Share the story of your redemption... Off I went. Sure, I am a friendly person, but speaking to crowds? Admitting that I was addicted to sex? I think not! But God had other plans. I shared my story through 707 (www.sevenoseven.com) and immediatly I became a mentor. I have led a lifegroup for the past year, and now God is calling me elsewhere..... Where you ask? Only He knows. This blog is the Beginning.

Anyways, back to the tattoo.... Do I get a Fish? A cross? No- I thought of Ransomed and Redeemed... Ransomed by the blood of Christ, shed for my sins, and Redeemed to the woman that God intended me to be. His Daughter. His precious child. Have I gotten the tattoo yet... No. But I am planning on it soon.

I love people's reactions when they find out how hardcore about my faith I am... It's priceless. Your a Christian? What??? Yes, I am a Christian. I believe that the world was created in 7 days, and that we did not evolve from monkeys... (Side note... Ask me sometime to hear about the time I took the kids to the History museum and when Stephanie saw the Evolution display.. hee hee) I can see the wheels in people's heads turning.. Oh so you hate me for (fill in the blank) Boom. Opportunity to witness... No, I dont hate you. I was broken, battered and rotten once. Jesus Loved me. Jesus calls us to hold a light for HIM to the darkened world.

John 12:46
I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark.

I am glad not to be in the Dark anymore... I am no longer searching for sexual fufillment, I am not trying to people please, and I dont care what anyone thinks about me. I am glad that I have been rescued from my life of SIN.

Anyways... Back to Hating and Judging.

I will not judge anyone for what they do.

What does God say about judging?

Matthew 7: 1-5 (NLT)

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. 2 For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.3 “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? 4 How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.

I am not perfect. I struggle every day. I wish that I could be in God's Holy Hampster (ie: put me in a plastic ball and let everything go on around me) God's grace is new every single day. Sure- I may think bad things and sometimes even say them... But one thing that I am learning is: I will be held accountable for my words, and actions

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable" Hebrews 4:13 (NLT)

God is an amazing God who is the only one that can HEAL YOU! He sent his SON to die for you.... How are you living for HIM?

Dear Lord

Thank you for another day here on earth to be a soldier in your army. I am grateful for every blessing today that you have given me. Thank you for rescuing me, from my darkened pit, and redeeming me. Thank you for kicking me off the Christianity sidelines. Though its scary sometimes, I walk by Faith, and not by sight. I know that whatever and wherever I go, You will be with me. You are my protector, and my King. Thank you for sending Jesus to save me.

Love, Your Precious Daughter

If you want to find out more about a relationship with Jesus Christ, send me a email.

**Where have I been?** I know normal blogs are updated every day. I however, have opened this blog as a way to write about what God is teaching me. I have some awesome stuff that we are working on. Its just not ready. Please feel free to repost my blog address so others can read. If you have any questions... Please email me at clcarpenter82@gmail.com**

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Taking the Trash Out

This is my very first public blog about something that God wanted me to write about. I have shared part of my testimony, and have started speaking about my testimony, but this is a big step for me. What I write is what God and I have worked on. This first blog is hopefully one of many, as I dive into a deeper relationship with My King. I ask that if you decide to comment. Keep them positive. If you have something negative to say, message me about it. What I write is what God has been showing, and teaching. I Love to write. This is how He is using my talent.

"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28 (New Living Translation)

Recently, I was taking the trash out to the dumpster behind my home and God spoke loud and clear. " Why don't you let me take out your trash and sort it?" I stopped and thought about it.

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."

1 Peter 5:7 (New Living Translation)

We as a society hoard things. We hold on to things that we think will come in use someday, or things that have sentimental feelings, weather that be good or bad. What are we hoarding on the inside? What are we holding onto that God wants to sort out and handle?

I am guilty of this myself. Holding on to a lot of garbage that I should be setting down and letting God sort through and discard. Things from my shattered past, things that I hold onto from my childhood, especially with my mother. God wants to finish restoring me, to the woman that HE wants me to be. Not who Connie wants to be.

When my kids or I get ready to take the trash out, we begin by emptying all trash cans into the big one, walk through the house and pick up any random papers throughout the house. We walk out side and throw it in the dumpster, and walk away.

What if we went through ourselves and collected all the trash that has been collecting there? What if we were to take it the dumpster and leave it there?

God wants to sort through our trash. He wants to sort through and discard stuff that holds us back, Stuff that may keep us with that intimate relationship, stuff that only HE can deal with. When He sorts through it, He wants to Heal, Restore and use for His Glory.

As humans we always try and to solve our own problems, and try to fix others. We take on too much, (Guilty, This gal right here) We lose our focus, we stumble, back slide, and accumulate more "trash"

Think about the last time you stumbled and possibly fell. Was it peer pressure? Was it something that you thought that noone else would see? Are you struggling with a addiction of some kind? How did you feel afterward?

Guilty? Ashamed? Scared?

"For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption,the forgiveness of sins." Colossians 1:12-14 NIV

What if we cast our cares and concerns, problems, "trash" on HIM fully. Not holding back anything. Think about it.

"If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth." 1 John 1:6 NIV

Recently, While working on this blog I went through "closet cleaning" in my own life. God went through and tossed out the things that I was harboring, the resentment, the anger, the yuckiness, that I had been trying to handle myself. Letting go and Letting God was a HUGE step in my walk with Christ. I feel refreshed and new. I am not perfect. I do not pretend to be. I am FORGIVEN! I struggle every day. I am still being restored. God is still working on me. I sit and I write this out of obedience. All things for HIS Glory.

"His master replied, 'Well done,
good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" Matthew 25:21 (NIV)

If you are reading this and want more information about a relationship with Jesus Christ, please feel free to send me a email.



Saturday, August 8, 2009

Weekend Post

Well, I did not post again as quickly as I thought..... This week at work has been super busy. I worked 45 hours... I am on a 3 week break from school, and instead of relaxing, I am planning... I am a planner. I like to have a organized plan of action for everything. I have been planning on going to BW for almost a year. This should be my last semester at Tri-C. Then I head to BW. I want to get my PhD in history, and today I found out that Case Western offers it... I am glad I found it, because to get in the program, I need a 3.0 to get in.... See, this is why I plan. I know that I need to bust my butt here on out to get a 3.0+ in BW so I can go to Case...

I am such a nerd, I know. But as chaotic as my life is, I need to have control over SOMETHING!!!

So much has been discovered this past week. God is calling me deeper into ministry. Now, if you are reading this, and you know me, then you know my testimony. If you dont, then feel free to email me. I have a broken, shattered past, that God has restored and healed for his Glory. I recently have overcome my fear of public speaking to share my testimony to a church body. After I spoke, I had the pleasure of speaking with over 5 girls! I feel God tugging at me to keep sharing my story, and to help other girls. I just want everyone to know that no matter HOW deep of a pit that your in, HE CAN REDEEM! He sent his SON to die for us, and he restores and redeems. I am scared, because it used to be hard for me to share my past. Now I know, that He is using it to work through me, and I need to trust in HIM. Stepping out in Faith is a big step in a Christian journey....

If you are reading this, and have NO idea what I am talking about, let me tell you about the Joy that I have found in Jesus Christ.

As for my new budding relationship. I like him more and more every day... Hes wonderful. I am looking forward to see where God takes it :)

Well, Time for garage sales with my sister!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today is the day

After saying for like 3 months I was going to start blogging and writing, Today is the day that I finally sit down and set this thing up. I am inspired by my friend Erin, and can not guarentee that my blogs will be as pretty as hers. I am setting this up to share my writing, and just my random thoughts.... (there is many of that) I ask if you are reading this, be patient, When my schedule starts to clear a bit (in the next few weeks) I will try and blog more regularly, but for now they will be sporadic. You may not like everything that I write about, and that is ok. I ask that you dont critisize or slam my writings. It is okay that our opinions differ. God gave us all our own brains to think and express ourselves. Well, This one is cute short by my youngest daughter, Stephanie, who is 8 and ready for me to wash her hair.

Until Next Time....