Monday, January 18, 2010

First week of full time student status

I am so grateful that my friends and family want to know how school is going. So I decided that I will (I will try) blog weekly about how things are going.... I started classes Jan 11 at Baldwin Wallace, My dream school I am taking 3 classes at BW and 1 at Kent...

At BW I am taking:
M W F LAS (enduring questions in a intercultural world)
M Civil Rights Movement
Th Religion and Violence

At Kent:
Tu USAF ROTC classes

My week started off with a 9:20 class, then a 12:00 orthodontist appt for Raquel, then my father and I went to Kent to meet with a Major so they could explain the program to him. My father and mother are super protective of us.. and He doesnt want me to go into the military. My father behaved himself. He still doesnt want me to do it, but at least he understands what the program is all about :)

I am enjoying classes so far... I have not started the ROTC classes... (I start those tomorrow) 3 classes, only 5 papers.. (5 papers, not so bad when I dont usually have trouble writing) I also changed my major. I am now DOUBLE MAJORING in History and Religion. I know, it will be a lot of work... but I like a challenge...

Thus, changing myself to a double major.. Bumps my grad date back to approx May 2013. The good news is... I have been stressing so much about this ROTC fitness test... I get on gear, and kick butt for a week or two,then get sick, or something comes up. After speaking with my admissions instructor... He told me that since I will be a walk on cadet this semester, that there are more cadets then beds at field training this summer, he said it is in my best interest to bump myself back. so, thats what I did... I bought myself a extra year to meet the requirements. (passing the AFOQT, Passing the PT test, and Passing a military physcial :) )

Friday morning after I took my first quiz in the LAS class, i was driving into work and thinking to myself that wow! I can handle this. There is not as much work as I thought there would be... well at 4:30 that afternoon, the bottom fell out on me. My work (the dr i work for I have known almost 8 years) told me that my services were only needed 2 days a week. I had been told a few weeks ago that changes were coming but they would affect me minimally.... I'm sorry, but 32 hours a week to barely 16 is NOT minimum... Needless to say, I am now unemployed.. At first I was really upset. I felt really betrayed.. but now I realize that this was a blessing in disguise. I trust that the Lord will take care of my kids and me.

Today was day 1 of unemployment, and the kids were home for MLK day. I spent the day cleaning my kitchen and dining room from top to bottom and taking a sick little short kid to the dr... she has strep throat... :( but she is on anti-biotics now

Thats my week in a nutshell :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Matthew 19:26

Happy New Year!

As 2009 came to a close, I reflected on many different scenarios that had happened in my life. I closed chapters on various addictions (sex addiction and food) I opened new ones (BW, Air Force) I realize who my true friends were and that when I wasnt expecting anything from a new guy that I had started to see, I fell in love and realized that I had met the ONE that was meant for me.

What on earth am I talking about?

I like to do a re-cap every year at the end, and this time, its a few days late.

2009 was a year of growth and changes.

After 3 years if kicking it around and asking questions, I finally enrolled in the Air Force ROTC program. I start January :)

I took some time off yet again from the dating world. My last serious relationship ended June 2008 and I was "used" by others. I learned that I was valued as a princess in God's eyes and deserved to be treated as one. I didnt know if there was a guy out there for me, but in April of 2009, I started communicating with a guy who wanted to take it slow :)

David and I officially had our first date July 18, 2009. We did the friends thing from April to July, and have been dating and going strong ever since. He is absolutly amazing, and makes me laugh every single day. It shows that when you trust HIM, and follow HIM, HE really knows what he is doing....

Ok, so back to the title of my blog. Matthew 19:26

Matthew 19:26 (New International Version)

26Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

In 2009 I accomplished so much. My GPA went from a 2.3 (April 2008) to a 3.0 (Dec 2009) I got into the college I had always dreamed about. I finally got my over eating under control, I learned that I did not have to be "super mom" to be a great mom. I learned to slow down and look at the roses. I stepped down as a life group leader, to grow much more in Christ.

in 2010 I hope to continue to grow in my relationship with HIM. My kids and I have been reading the new testament together. We read 2-3 chapters every night.

I am very grateful for everyones support for my road to the military. I hope that in February when I pass my fitness tests, those who have doubted and said that I cant do this will understand. Its very hard when there are people who are close to you telling you that you cant do something. I am not going into this blind. Yes, I can go to war and die for my country, Yes, I may get deployed away from my children, This is what God has in store for me. I walk by faith, not by sight. I trust HIM.

I hope to blog more often. Time is going to be limited soon. Next time I blog, I will probably have entered full time student status.

I have a few prayer requests.

I pray that: I can balance being a full time student, work and being a mommy.

I pray that my friends will understand I have limited time

I pray that my training continues to go well and that I pass my tests in February (not only the PT test, but the officer canidate test)

I pray that some in my family will understand I am not doing this selfishly.

Thank you all!